You might be biting off more than you can chew. This program might be above your current skill level.
There are actually several ways to program this "logic." Here is one way that might be easiest for you:
You need to first divide your number, .93, in this case, by .25. This will tell you how many quarters you need. .93/.25 = 3.72. You take the number before the decimal point. So now you know you need THREE quarters.
Then you take the number of quarters you have, 3, multiply that by .25, and subtract from your .93. This gives you 18. THAT's what you have left, so you divide THAT by .10. The answer is 1.8 so you now know you need ONE dime. Again, take the number before the decimal point.
Then you take the number of dimes you have, 1, multiply that by .10, and subtract that from the 18. This gives you what you have left, which is now .08 and you divide THAT by .05. The answer is 1.6 so you now know you need ONE nickel.
Then you take the number of nickels you have, 1, multiply that by .05, and subtract that from the 08. This gives you .03, and you divide that by .03... which is 3.00... so you know you need THREE pennies.
Here's another example: 1.27
Divided by .25 = 5.08... 5 quarters
5 x .25 = 125 from 127 = .02 is what we have left to work with.
.02 divided by .10 = 0.02... 0 dimes
.02 Divided by .05 = 0.04... 0 nickels
.02 Divided by .01 = 2.00... 2 pennies
So if the original number is 1.27, the output will be 5 quarters, 0 dimes, 0 nickels, and 2 pennies.
You can put this all in one subroutine, or you can have four separate subs, one for each coin. That makes no difference. You call the routine once each, in order, to determine the number of coins.
It's not hard, but it sounds like this might be above your current skill level. I don't program in Visual Basic (PowerBASIC for me), but it would only take me just a few minutes to program this in PowerBASIC.