Here's the deal. I've been searching on the web for far too long looking for a decent host. I've found 2, but you must decide between being able to utilize the features of a paid host (with some downtime....about 4 hours a day) and a decent web host, that has some functionality.
Try both!
The host that offers limited functionality.
The host that offers things just like a paid host, except up time issues.
So you're truly lost, wondering which one you really want, here are the pros and cons of both hosts.
000webhost - Pro:
Has massive storage and bandwidth distribution, to all members.
1stHoster - Pro:
Has so many features, your head will spin! Things like unlimited bandwidth, Fantastico Autoinstaller, Unlimited SQL Databases, Unlimited Mail Setup, C-Panel 11, Installation of your own scripts, and quite a bit more.
000webhost - Con:
They don't allow for full functionality. Some things you'd want to install, would have to be installed upon purchasing an upgrade or not at all. For example, Adult Hosting or a Bux Script can be hosted once you've upgraded....but sites like Proxy or Torrent sites can't be installed at any time.
1sthoster - Con:
Bad Up-time. You'll be really sore to know that your pages aren't displaying when you need them to, especially when this hosting might be helping you to pay the bills.
000webhost - Pro:
If you want to make some money, you can refer friends and earn money. No free host I know of offers this!
1sthoster - Pro:
The ability to automatically receive an upgrade upon getting a decent amount of traffic. Whether or not you receive the could still very easily use their services! To be specific....if you get a decent amount of traffic (Unspecified, yet at their disclosure) you can get a disk space increase from 100mb to 10Gb.
000webhost - Con:
They have yet to install their Fantastico for free members. Once upon a time, it used to be functional. However, it's taking an extremely long time to update it.....when it should have been finished.
1sthoster - Con:
You'll be working with an incredibly small amount of diskspace. 100mb isn't a good amount to work with, especially if you're talking about server side scripting. But if there's some sort of site where you can make the most out of it by getting your users to use more bandwidth than disk'll make it.
Ok dude. In case you choose my answer as best.....My name is Lawrence Miller. My email