First A Note - I'm not telling you off, this really is a better way to work. In future can I ask you to change the direction of your programming, start with the data, then how you would like the data manipulated, then finally write the editor/views to match the data model as a whole.
Right, now to your sollution.
First you want your data items in a class or structure, then you need a way to arrange these in an easy to access list or array.
Your class might be something like -
(this is psudo because I don't use VB so though I know it has this functionality, I do not know off heart what the actual syntax and names are)
Public Class ProjectItem
public property int itemID { with get and set }
public property DateTime dateEntered { with get and set }
public property DateTime dateDue { with get and set }
public property String projectName { with get and set }
public property int hoursSpentOnProject { with get and set }
public property bool finished { with get and set }
public property string score { with get and set }
Then this can go into a List
Dim schoolWork As New List(Of ProjectItem)
Still before you create any forms, you now want functions to write, and select items.
The write function receives data (eventually) from the form, but you only want to write this function once and you might later want to receive the data from another source, for example from a CSV file reader, so this particular function receives its data as function parameters, set each parameter to have a default, this way your function can work out for itself which data to change in an edit, or if it is a new record. For example, if no ID is passed, then this is meant as a new record, if you have an ID and one or more other data in the parameters, then you are altering a record that exists.
Function AddOrUpdateItem(ByVal id As Integer = -1, ByVal dateentered as DateTime ... and the rest of the parameters) As Double
See if we have an ID
...Yes - then update that record with the data given, ignore those not given
...No - Then treat this an a new record, get a new ID (have a function return schoolWork.Max( n => n.itemID) + 1
End Function
Later when you write the forms you simply call the various data entry and view functions that you have already created. Remember that you can test these without any forms, making use of the console write for output (and stage data) in functions. Using a trigger to start the functions probably with dummy data, Form_load or a timer are good enough for this.
Your views have different needs, the editor just wants you to select an item then load the data for that record.
So maybe a picklist of the project names.
Your other view may want one of two (maybe three) options on viewing data, in the order of the next project due, or you might prefer in the order of least hours worked or most worked done to get the one nearest to being finished.
Dim sortedItems = From swork In schoolWork
Order By cust.dateDue
For Each item In sortedItems
Console.WriteLine(item.itemID & item.projectName
If you bhaven't used linq before, it is worth using because it saves you a lot of work with arrays and lists that, god forfib, you might have had to do yourself.