There are several ways:
#1 - you can include/execute the Perl code stored in another source file by telling the Perl compiler to do so using the require statement:
require "";
#2 - You can create a system() call to have the operating system run a process, (this works weather the other program is written in Perl or any other language for that matter), something like this:
or system("/path/to/some_other_type/of_program");
#3 - You can use backticks (``) to call an external program, (same as system() does), in order to call an external program AND make use of it's output. The backticks instruct the Perl compiler to open/run the requested external program and re-direct it's standard output, like so:
my $lines = `cat /some/textfile.txt`;
or print `somecommand_that_outputs_something`;
If you clarify what it is you're trying to do, a clearer answer could be provided. Also - you could use Perl modules, but since your question indicated the other file was a Perl program, I didn't get into how modules work.