this is like the mac / pc problem. you design a webpage on a mac and it looks great but it looks like butt on a PC.
its also like trying to find a picture online of a ruler showing actual inches. You can find tons of pictures of rulers, but when they show up on the screen, 10/10 arent a real 'inch'.
It depends on which site you are using. are you on a mac? macs are great, i love them, but the majority of the world is still connected to PCs, so do web designs on a PC (in my pinion).
If you are on a PC, it depends on the resolution of the screen. you could be designing the webpage at 1024 x 768, but on another computer, the resolution might be 800 x 600 making the page huge.
When I make webpages I use
to let me know exactly what my screen is set to.
As a help to those who might visit your page, you could always make a "This webpage is best viewed at 1024 x 768" logo up top or at the bottom.
I saw your page. One major problem is the opening photograph. Too large. Filled screens are nice but are mostly too overwhelming for the viewer. If you made that photograph 1/3 the size in a nice frame, that would look much more enjoyable. Theway it is now, I have to scroll left and down to see it.
Very nice site, are you using geocities? is much better. Stay away from yahoo websites.