Th python guys are like the Pascal guys in the late 90s, hanging on to a language that is no longer main stream and never will be again. I suspect these same people still have a betamax in the garage.
Go to Java. Ok so it will take effort, you can do it, if I can do it then anyone can. Download Netbeans (the full version), Look through the Netbeans tutorials and discussions. Join up for at least 2 more tutorial sites (there are a lot of them out there) and work hard, practice practice practice and never give up. Join the forums for those tutorial sites and Netbeans, join in, chat, ask questions, get your name known for good reasons, someone willing to learn and willing to put in the effort to learn.
Does it seem a daunting task? Not so, learning the language and the syntax is the easy part, you will do that easily. Learning to use the libraries is a bit more involved sinply because they are so many of them. As you leanr learn which are the primary libraries and stick to those.
Now Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice. Lets say a minimum of 1/2 hour each weekday evening, with at least two evenings a week where you put your nose to the computer and work through those tutorials, over and over until you can do it in your sleep.