Hi, I want to learn VBA and become a master in Macros. Can anyone please suggest what would be prerequisites for learning macros and how much time or sessions it takes to learn the language??
VBA is something you might want to learn but i wouldn't plan on devoting your whole career on it... VBA is a subset of VB6... VB6 is obsolete and VBA will most likely go the same way in time...
2013-07-29 05:47:39 UTC
I personally don't think VBA is going anywhere any time soon, they've been saying that VBA will be deprecated for years now and it's still fighting strong. The main reason it's not going anywhere is because of excel, many complex worksheets have macros and changing the langauge is a MASSIVE task which will need to be planned very carefully, if they all of sudden removed VBA from the next iteration of windows MS would be absolutely bombarded with complaints and would have to figure out a way to put it back in. In my opinion VBA still has at least another good 10 years left before anything major happens to it. Anyway check out the sites below as a starter
2016-05-20 08:57:13 UTC
Listen to what user Devilish told you - do NOT try to learn VB.NET or even VB6 and then try to apply that to VBA - it doesn't work. VBA is a stripped-down version of VB6 that has a lot of quirks and different features of its own. You can become an excellent programmer in VB6 and then switch to VBA and be absolutely stumped because things are so different, and simple tasks become harder. It would be a waste of your time to first learn Visual Basic, then switch to Visual Basic for Applications and never be able to apply the tricks and methods you learned from VB6/.NET to VBA. I basically self-taught VBA, but I have general computer programming knowledge to back me. I've just spent a lot of time on Google and searching through code banks for workarounds, code snippets, error reports and the like. In the sources, I've listed a few of the sites I keep going back to for tips and help. (These probably won't help you learn, but they will be able to help your "How do I do this...?" type questions) You won't find extensive walkthoughs for "learning VBA" online... most sites will tell you how to do one thing or another, but they won't thoroughly walk you through the process of learning and then becoming an expert. The books that Devilish mentioned seem promising. Good luck!
2014-02-23 08:34:32 UTC
My website has over 100 tutorials on excel set out to take you from beginner to pro. The entire series is only about 11 hours however you will probably only need to watch the first 30 or so to get a basic understanding if thats all your need.