Bandwidth can mean two related things.
a) Bandwidth speed = the maximum *rate* of data that can flow. For example, 1 MByte per second would be fast for a home user's internet connection. It can apply to any network, including the internet.
b) Bandwidth allocation - this is often used to measure total amount of data that has passed through a connection. For example, you as a home user probably have a monthly download limit which if you exceed you'd either be cut off or be billed for more.
2) Internet connection types involve different hardware and software and have their own advantages and disadvantages. Some examples are dial-up, broadband, leased line, ISDN, cable.
3) Screen resolution is the number of "pixels" that are used to display the picture. It is usually measured in terms of pixel height and width for example, a small monitor might be 600 by 400 pixels, and a larger one 1200 by 1600. The higher the number of pixels, the more detail can be shown.
4) Image resolution is the number of pixels in the image. Often a camera's pixels is measured in the total number of pixels, e.g. 6 Megapixels (6 million pixels). The higher the resolution, the more detailed the picture can be
5) Authentication is a process by which a user validates him/her/itself with a computer system, so that the system knows that the user has privileges to access certain data.
6) A cache is temporary storage, sometimes to help remove bottlenecks in systems, sometimes to save repeating processing by saving the results, sometimes to save downloading web pages unnecessarily (e.g. if they haven't changed). etc
7) Large high resolution images, videos, and sound effects.
8) The larger the image size and resolution, the larger the file will be, therefore the longer it will take to download.
9) If a website does not have enough bandwidth, when too many users try to access it, some will not get through, and it will become slow for most users.
10) See number 6
11) Something which is useful to people. Something they might search for. Something people have trouble finding reliable information about, or special offers, products and services
12) It should be easy to get to any page on the site from any other page on the site. The navigation links should be clear, and their text informative about what the link goes to. Consistency is important so that the users easily recognise the method of navigation from page to page.