2009-03-31 23:53:27 UTC
Im a Project Manager at a Software and IT Farm. Since the US markets have been down,Im completely punked.
Earlier I used to quote the projects directly and the clients agreed and we did it ,but now the time has changed and whenever we quote , the client says,its too high, its out of my budget , we were quoted very less from other companies ,bla bla bla...
So,at that time,Im stuck..
Say for example,
I had a client yesterday,who wanted a Online Store with payment gateway for US processor.
I quoted him mere 3000$ and he started yelling that,its too high, etc etc etc..
But im very interested in working in his project as his requirements matches with other 3 of our customer and we would love to do it for him..
Then went offline and dint contact me today..
Since I want to do the project,I need him to contact me ,but I dont think,he will.
So in such cases,what shall I do ??
Its impossible to lessen the price to 2000$ as its simply vague cost,if we charge that..
So,how can convince him or try to talk with him again ??
So,whats the best negotiating method or convingcing method in this period of recession ??
Let me know...