I truly hope you are not basing your beliefs of what programmers do on old memories of using the BASIC programming language. Many things, not just loops, can cause computers or applications to hang or run extremely slow. Examples of this are deadlocks in multi-threaded applications, poorly written hardware drivers that cause system instability, unexpected I/O errors, damaged hardware, insufficient amounts of RAM, problems with uncaught exceptions, improper configurations or settings (usually caused by the user), locks from other programs on files or data, poor network connections, and may others. Saying that a lack of a conditional statement to break a loop is the reason programs freeze is like saying the reason a car won't work correctly is because it is out of gas. Yes, that *could* be the reason, but there are MANY more possible problems that could be much more complicated.
This most common reason computers freeze isn't because an important program is poorly written or has an infinite loop. The most common problem is the user has too many programs that are running at once and he/she doesn't even realize it. An example of this is 3rd part program add-ons that are almost worthless but use up a lot of ram and make other programs unstable because they force a program to do things it wasn't designed to do. This will likely cause a program to freeze or crash. Other examples include many of the utilities that start when your computer starts (you often see these is the system tray). All of these programs, utilities, and add-ons use memory. If your system doesn't have enough memory, it has to swap data back and forth between temporary storage on the hard drive and storage in the ram. If a program requires the data immediately and it has to wait to get data from the hard drive, it may hang.
No, programmers have not gotten away from the basics. Programs are much more complicated now than they were in the 70's and 80's, when BASIC was common. Also, computers are more common now and many people own computers without the slightest understanding of how they work. When a person that doesn't understand a computer starts to use and modify them, errors will occur.