Мö₥ Ťöłđ Μė ™ 。◕‿◕。
2009-01-20 10:24:03 UTC
for that i was installing APACHE ANT.
according to the manual i typed the following commands
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk1.6.0_06
export PATH=${PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin
but later when i was testing ANT , it showing the following error
JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.
We cannot execute /opt/java/jdk1.6.0_06/bin/java
[root@localhost ant]# export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk1.6.0_06
what should i do now?
should i install anything?
i am new to LINUX and i dont have much experiance in JAVA.
Thanks for answering