J. Yahshar
2013-04-13 13:36:35 UTC
I've built a Yahoo pipe that seems to work fine in feed readers but not in Twitterfeed or Hootsuite. I needed to have my Twitter account auto updated with relevant content that lead traffic back to my site instead of the source. I have a Google alert going into the Fetch Feed module. This is connected to a RegEx module that strips out the source url and replaces it with a link back to my site. Everything works perfect. You can check out the pipe here http://pipes.yahoo.com/bdbnewsfeed/0d91e804c3ec46fdc56d15314d8c7d82 The problem is when I take the pipe's rss feed and run it through TwitterFeed or Hootsuite so it can auto populate my account's wall, I only get one update then it stops. I checked everything from the Twitter Apps to the input and output feeds and I narrowed down the problem to the RegEx module. When I remove the RegEx module from the pipe it works fine and updates new tweets regularly. I'm trying to figure out where I'm missing it. As I said I'm not a programer. I just read through different forums and hacked this thing together as best I could. Any help or guidance you can give would be greatly appreciated.