You can use Windows Scripting Host scripts (either .JS or .VBS) to do things like this, the file system objects will allow you to open a file and read it line for line.
If you know the file will always contain the same number of lines, you can define a variable for each line, otherwise an array is a better fit. (Both languages make it possible to declare a dynamic array, JScript is a little easier as it automatically reallocates, you must use the ReDim Preserve statement to reallocate a dynamic array in VBScript.)
As for passing the contents of the file as arguments, the WshShell.Run method will execute a program for you. Building a list of arguments from a file could be as easy as this:
FileName = "[full or relative file name]"
Cmd = "[command to execute]"
ForReading = 1
Set oFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oStrm = oFs.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForReading, False)
buf = oStrm.ReadAll()
buf = Cmd & " """ & Replace(buf, chr(13) & chr(10), """ """) & """"
Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WshShell.Run buf
This code will open and read a text file, and use the contents to create a list of quote-enclosed strings on one line. It does this by replacing the new line sequences with [quote] [space] [quote], and then adding leading and trailing quotes. It also concatenates the list with the program to pass them to. Finally, it executes the command with arguments.
Notes: quotes around arguments are necessary if any of the args contain embedded spaces (but are benign if they do not.) The command processor removes enclosing quotes before the program sees them. Also, literal quotes in string constants must be escaped, """" is a string with one double-quote character.