differentiate these coded languages?
2008-02-06 05:31:09 UTC
in your own words and knowledge how can u differentiate theses programing languages :

Cold fusion
*Java script
and XML*

high points for high givers
Four answers:
2008-02-06 05:52:55 UTC
ASP - Active Server Pages - Microsoft's server-side scripting language with specific server tie-ins that let you access special features with certain specified tags.. Similar to PHP. Can be used to connect to databases to created dynamic pages.

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets is used to separate your content from formating.

Cold fusion - server-side application. Very powerful with its own language.

DHTML - Dynamic HTML, basically HTML mixed with JavaScript to manipulate the browser's DOM (Document Object Model)

Java - more of a full programming language. can be used for web apps or stand-alone apps.

*Java script - server-side scripting language. Use with HTML to manipulate the browser's DOM and make sites more interactive.

Perl - no experience.

PHP - like ASP but usually run on a Linux box. Can be used to connect to databases to created dynamic pages.

SSI - Server Side Include. PHP, ASP, as well as other language support these. You create a web page or part of a web page that can then be imported into other web pages as part of a template (via a tag specific to each language). Then, when you change the source page, it will be changed on all of the pages that have included it.

and XML* - eXtensible Markup Language - A very strict markup language that looks similar to HTML but is more powerful. You can also create your own schemas. Helps businesses/users share data by conforming to a strict definition. Allows one system to communicate and pass data effectively and efficiently to another.
2016-10-21 04:40:21 UTC
each and every letter has an underlying numeric fee, as do numbers. look at an ASCII or UniCode table in case you'll opt to understand the archives. And...understand that that isn't any longer purely letters and numbers that use binary code. each and everything makes use of it...your community connection, your images, your video exhibit, your mouse, your printer...each and each and every operation that you carry out will be summarized in a string of "a million's" and "0's".
2008-02-06 05:53:22 UTC
"in your own words and knowledge"

Was that part of your homework requirement?
2008-02-06 05:46:21 UTC
Active Server Pages (ASP) is Microsoft's first server-side script engine for dynamically-generated web pages. It is marketed as an add-on to Internet Information Services (IIS). Programming ASP websites is made easier by various built-in objects. Each object corresponds to a group of frequently-used functionality useful for creating dynamic web pages. In ASP 2.0 there are six such built-in objects: Application, ASPError, Request, Response, Server, and Session. Session, for example, is a cookie-based session object that maintains variables from page to page.

Most ASP pages are written in VBScript, but any other Active Scripting engine can be selected instead by using the @Language directive or the