ok try this. this may help you
start -->run --> notepad autoexec.bat(type this)
a notepad file opens and append the below lines in that file
set path=drive\java directory\bin;%path%;
set classpath=drive\java directory\lib\tools.jar;dirve\java directory\bin;%classpath%;
here drive means the local drive in which java is installed
java directory means the name of the folder in which java is installed
after editing this file save it..
now go to start --> run --> cmd(type)
a window with black background appears
type this in that window
after typing this type the below one too
javac drive\directory\ your java file.java
here drive is in which local dirve your file or folder is but if u save your file directly in local drive type this
javac drive(your local drive)\you file name.java
but if u saved it in a folder type this
javac drive\directory\ your java file.java
where directory is in which your java file is
am sure this will help you..........
u can meet me online for more answer my yahoo ID is rgunday@yahoo.com