According to the detial java book a module is defined as, "Experience has shown that the best
way to develop and maintain a large program is to construct it from small, simple pieces,
or modules...Three kinds of modules exist in Java—methods, classes and packages."
Before I explain a class, I'll introduce you to the concept of a C++ struct.
In C++ and in Java, you have sections of memory called variables. You have your primitive types (int, double,float, char,ect), but you sometimes need to combine things to get the job done.
A struct is basically an advanced variable, you combine multiple primitive types together into one "super variable".
Structs don't exist in java, but the upgraded struct or "class" does. A class is the exact same thing as a struct (well..sort of, everything in a struct is declared as public by default) except that classes can contain functions called methods.
To understand a method you need to understand what an algebraic function is. Have you taken algebra 2? A method is the exact same thing as an algebraic function, you input one or more variables and you get ONLY ONE VALUE back. You use methods to save on reusing code.
Now how all this related to a I've said before, is a collection of data members and methods. You usually declare variables (data members) as private and manipulate them with methods.
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