Hi, here is some easy steps for developing your website.
1. Come up with all of the things or types of things you think you might finally like to have on your web site.
2. Arrange these items into someplace between five and eight categories.
3. Come across at a variety of web sites that were not professionally developed. Figure out what you do and don't like about each one.
4. Make a decision what kind of stare you want for your web site based on what you saw in step 3.
5. Decide on something that will provide as a repeating component through all of your web pages on your web site. This could include a logo, a color scheme, "wallpaper," a particular font, the layout, etc.
6. Figure out how you want your links to other pages within your site displayed and set up a UNM CIRT account.
7. Activate your web space and start to make your home page in Netscape Composer. Save it with the name 'index' as an 'html' file on a disk.
8. When you think you're ready to put your page on the net, 'publish' it. Make sure that you do a web update through telnet every time you publish a new page or graphic.
Thinks this will help you