Have you made any stored procedures that you can call in your code? Here is an example in classic ASP in VBScript.
If Act = "add" Then
sSQL = "lg_JewelryCategoriesAdd "
Button = "Add"
ElseIf Act = "update" Then
sSQL = "lg_JewelryCategoriesUpdate " &_
"@jewelercategoriesid=" & sq(ID) & ","
Button = "Update"
End If
The sSQL is the stored procedure that does the function. The @ is the column that it looks at. The ID is the variable being used. Here is what the stored procedure looks like.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].lg_JewelryCategoriesUpdate
@jewelercategoriesid INT
, @description VARCHAR(50)
, @system BIT
UPDATE lg_JewelerCategories SET
, [system]=@system
Let me know if you need anymore help.