Yes it is possible, the explanation is a bit long.
For the explanation each part of the formula will be on one cell:
You will need to use these functions: LEN,FIND,LEFT, RIGHT, VALUE
Lets say that on cell A1 you have $1200/pc
You need to
• Obtain the amount of characters of the text string ==> On cell B1 write this formula =LEN(A1)
• Obtain the location of the "/" ==> On cell C1 write this formula =FIND("/",A1)
With the above values you can separate the information into 2 parts
• On cell D1 write this formula =LEFT(A1,C1-1)
• The dollar amount is in TEXT format, if you need it for calculations, you have to convert it to a numeric value using the VALUE function ==> on cell E1 write this formula =VALUE(D1)
TIP: If you want to display the $ sign, then format the column
• On F1 write this formula =RIGHT(A1,B1-C1+1)
To use one formula for each part:
• For the FIRST PART use this formula
=left(A1,find("/",A1)-1) or =value(left(A1,find("/",A1)-1))
• For the second part use this formula
TIP: For explanation about the functions used check EXCEL help
Good Luck