Darren R
2010-03-05 15:15:25 UTC
the reason i started java was because i want to eventually be able to make my own online game (sorta like a crap version of runescape :p ) and i heard that i should probaly start with java...So i did, and ive learned a lot during the last 3 months and now i can create 2d Games (sort of), i have a lot of problems with a few things although, i can make 2d games quite easily...
now i am wondering if i should move onto C++ now, instead of learning advanced Java,...the only reason i think i should go to C++ now, instead of later, is because there is NO decent java 2d game tutorials for free anywhere and it might be harder to get 3D tutorials in java..lol,
Im hoping that C++ will have more tutorials for free online (ive already foudn a few by accident which look great!).....so im just wondering if everyone thinks i should move to C++....at end of day, Java was just to introduce me to programming, and im gonna end up doing C++ anyways, lol...