The short answer is that to insert into a table, you need to first know the values you want to insert (except for auto-increment primary keys). So you need to know the value of Stud_course.
The longer answer is that your table structure sounds flawed. A column called Stud_course in the course table set off a big red flag in my brain.
I assume you are doing the typical course enrollment type of homework problem.
It's easy to get started, you probably already have this part: You need a table for students, and you need a table for courses, and each table should, of course, have a primary key (most likely of the auto-increment variety).
But then you get to the harder part: How to track which students are in each course, and how to track which courses a student is taking.
There are 2 MANY-TO-MANY relationships going on here:
Each course can have MANY students.
Each student can take MANY courses.
When you run into this, you need to add a 3'rd table. A table that maps courses to students. You might call this table Stud_course. (See how I just converted your column name to a table name?)
Your Stud_course table really only needs 2 columns:
course_id is a FOREIGN key to the id column in your course table.
student_id is a FOREIGN key to the id column in your student table.
With those 3 tables, you can easily answer the typical questions with a 3 table join:
What students are taking course 123?
FROM course
JOIN Stud_course USING(course_id)
JOIN student using(student_id)
WHERE course_id = 123;
What courses is student 456 taking?
FROM student
JOIN Stud_course USING(student_id)
JOIN course using(course_id)
WHERE student_id = 456;
And enrolling a student in a course is as simple as:
INSERT INTO Stud_course(student_id,course_id)
VALUES ( $stud_id, $course_id);