Start by ignoring mean people who don't have any positive advice to give. :o)
Although, spelling is important, so be sure to triple check anything you send to a prospective employer.
Gaining job experience is perhaps the most important as aspect to becoming successful, but getting that first job can be difficult. What I did to get into my first programming job, and gain that all-important experience, is to talk to the IT manager at a company where I already worked in a non-technical role. I explained to her my interest in programming, and that I was teaching myself to program in VB. When a programming project came up, she invited me to apply. At first, I didn't make any more money than I had when I was in the non-technical role. However, I was able to work alongside some more experienced programmers and learn from them. 3 years later, I moved on to another company with better pay, and was able to apply the experience I had gained at my first job.
Be willing to humble yourself in pay and job level for a while, and get any experience you can under your belt. Listen to your bosses, teachers, more experienced co-workers, and peers. Absorb everything you can read and learn like a sponge, and you will become successful.
Good luck!