Essentially all languages fall somewhere within a spectrum between small, fast, and with a lot of low-level control on one end and higher level, faster to develop languages with less control and generally result in slower and larger programs.
C is very much in the first camp - you have almost complete control of the computer and direct access to low-level or obscure operating system requests. The downside is that C development is an awful lot slower than other languages, in fact you will spend a lot of time implementing what are essentially standard library facilities in other languages. On the other hand once written that code will be honed for the exact requirements of your program and will not waste time or code space with facilities that other programs may need from time to time but are utterly irrelevant for yours.
C++ and Objective C were developed at around the same time and both seek to extend C with object-orientated facilities. Object orientation seeks to make writing programs easier by promoting code re-use, that is using existing code within a new program instead of rewriting from scratch. The downside to that approach is that as hinted previously, that existing code may include a lot of facilities that your program doesn't need which tends to make OO programs both bigger and slower than the equivalent C program.
Between the two Objective C uses a simpler OO model but is very much a niche language, basically it has no traction at all away from Apple platforms. C++ is much more advanced and is a strong choice when used effectively. The price is that it is an incredibly complex language - even the inventor has admitted to being surprised to discover interactions between language features years later. Many professional C++ programmers fail to use the language effectively, and there is an awful lot of code out there which is basically C with a few of C++ glossy bits tacked on, incurring the performance costs of C++ without any of the real benefits.
That complexity lead to the later "C with objects" languages such as Java and C# which attempt to simplify things, usually back towards being more like Objective C and by throwing away more backwards compatibility with C. As languages they're fairly elegant but come with external baggage - Java is tied to the JVM which compromises performance and has it own not inconsiderable resource requirements. C# is a proprietary Microsoft language, so you are limited in choice of development tools and runs on Windows only.
Finally you have a whole other class of C-derived languages optimized for particular uses of which PHP is probably the most prominent. That is optimized for the creation of dynamic web pages and interfacing the Web with other software such as databases. Compared to C you can get an incredible amount of work done in next to no time, but the resulting programs are slow and as a programmer you have almost none of the low level control C gives you.