First, you need to decide: Will you pay for your website, or not?
Not paying for your website means that you will have limited control over it, something you may not like, it will be part of another website (Like if your website was, and you were using Freewebs, it would appear as, and there will be a lot of advertisements on the page, that you can't remove.
If you pay for your website, you'll get complete control over it, and no adds, and it'll be it's own website (So it will be just
I'm going to assume you want to pay for your website (It's pretty cheap: You can get a website for 5 years, for only $50 [Then you'd have to renew it]).
If you want a website, I recommend you go to
From there, buy your website.
Now, you'll have two choices: Get Web Hosting from Godaddy, or another company.
Web Hosting is something that you use to manage your website, and it almost always WILL cost money.
I recommend that you don't get Web Hosting from Godaddy, but from FatCow, or another company.
From there, you need to redirect the nameservers to FatCow's. You will need to contact Customer Support (From Godaddy) to learn how to do this. The nameservers for fatcow are and
Once you have your website, you'll need to learn the basics of editing.
The basic languages for editing website are called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
HTML is the first thing you'll need to learn. Without it, the Internet would fall apart faster then you can blink your eyes.
Here's the basics of HTML you should know:
When you start your page, the first tag you'll want to use is . (This is not strictly true, but good enough for a beginner).
Now, at the END of the document, you'll want to place , to show that the is ending.
After the , but before the , you will want to place a tag, and within that, a
tag. The
tag will be used to make the text at the top of the screen (The title).
Once the is written, write . The will go right before the