2013-01-28 19:38:21 UTC
Problem A: Antique Toy Inventory . Objectives: Creating classes, passing parameters to objects from a driver, retrieving data from an object.
Write a class named AntiqueToys which represents an object that tracks a particular toy in your collection of antique toys. It has the following attributes: description, maker, year made, value.
Write appropriate mutator (set) methods which update the attribute values, and accessor (get) methods which return the attribute values. Create a driver program which creates three toy objects, stores the following values in each, and then displays the values for each toy. Read at least one toy's data from the keyboard. Data for the other two may be 'hard-coded' as literals in your driver.
Description Maker Year Made Value
Electric Train Lionel 1934 $459.95
Handcar Coin Bank J&E Stevens 1883 $2,195.00
Stuffed Bear Steiff 1905 $214.00
Any help is greatly appreciated.