UNIX is entirely written in C; Linux as based partly on the idea of UNIX is mostly written in C - the kernel is written in C and Assembly entirely.
Most of Linux's libraries and packages are written in C and C++ some really critical stuff is written in assembly.
As for Python, Python is very niche, its only used for very specific purposes and even then its only really used as a scripting language tacked onto an existing system that's been written in another language. Python is not used in the Linux source code. Some applications and utilities may be written in it but they won't be part of the OS, they'll be add-ons.
I don't like Python, I started learning it and stopped, the Python mentality is that there should be one clean and clear way to do things, instead of having many different ways, that to me showed a lack of choice. The language itself provides most expected functionality but most books teaching it advocate this mentality and it gets really annoying and frustrating really quickly.
Python is very much a Geek language, I know C, C++, C#, Java, VB6, VB.NET, I would suggest you don't learn it. Learn C++, and C especially if you are interested in Linux they will be of a lot more use to you.
Also as a side note, although Linux is open source, this does not mean you can edit the code of the operating system you are running as you are running it, you need to download the source files from the distribution's web site, change it as you see fit, compile it then use the terminal to replace the existing components with your customised ones. The source will be .c .cpp and .h files as well as a variety of others.