How to validate OpenSSL in Linux?
2007-10-15 03:21:04 UTC
Hi all,
I need to validate OpenSSL on Linux machine. I've installed the 0.9.8e version(Feb 23 2007) and i've installed it on Fedora Core. I need to verify the openssl is working correctly on this system or not. I've used bank website(https://) and i also found a lock symbol at the bottom of the Mozilla firefox browser. Is their any application or so to verify that the browser is using new OpenSSL or old one and is it using the OpenSSL or not for https. Please help.
Four answers:
Bob Van Zant
2007-10-18 04:47:49 UTC
Unless your version of Firefox is dynamically linked (mine isn't) then it's definitely not using the latest version of openssl that you installed.

$ ldd firefox

not a dynamic executable

If it is dynamically linked then ldd will show you the libcrypto that it's using and you can verify its the right one.

To use the latest openssl that you installed you'll need to compile Firefox from source using the latest openssl libraries. I think on Linux this means you have to grab the -devel package of openssl.
2007-10-15 03:52:42 UTC
If I were you, I'd uninstall the old version to see if the new one works. Or simply I'll go for an upgrade of the old version to get a newer one in its place.

if you had installed the new one through yum's update or so, it should be getting used by the browser.
2017-01-03 21:01:23 UTC
because of the fact that switching to the Ubuntu appropriate distro ArtistX 0.7, and getting very used to that is velocity, simplicity and absence of viruses/malware, frankly i'm happy to tell MS the place they might stick their rotten domicile windows platforms.
2007-10-15 03:43:42 UTC
ssh yourusername@yourip and then they need your password.

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