While I would encourage anyone to learn web design, I would also point out that it isn't something you can do overnight. The first person to answer is correct that HTML is a simple language, it is made much more frustrating by Internet Explorer being it's own beast and something called non-web standards compliant. The web page you linked to in your question was done by someone who knew what they were doing. It isn't very complex but it does use CSS and an IE7 workaround.
That said I will now refer you what I consider to be the best sources for learning web design.
First of all are a couple things right on you own computer.
Figure out how to view the source code of any site that is open in your browser. In FireFox you can right click the browser window and select "view source code" if nothing is selected. If something is selected the option will be "view selection source" which handy for finding out what kind of tags are used. In IE select "View/Source" in the tool bar and an ugly NotePad file will open with the source code. In FireFox a nice looking color coded text file with indentations that make it easy to tell where tags start and end will appear.
The second thing you have on your computer you can use for web design is a file system. On a Windows machine this is known as Windows Explorer. A URL on a browser address bar shows file in folders within folders accept by using a slash instead of a backslash like files within files in the Windows Explorer address bar. If you create a file with an HTM or HTML extension, (like if you took a .txt file and changed the .txt to .html either below the file icon or when saving it) it will most likely appear as an icon of your default browser. If you clicked to open this file it would open as a window in your default browser. See? You don't have to have access to a server to design web pages. For a quick example go to this page-
http://www.alistapart.com/d/holygrail/example_4.html with your browser View Source, Select All of the source code, copy, paste in a NotePad file Save as Document Name .HTML (instead of .txt) Now open this file and look at the address bar in the browser.
If you want the rest of the world to see your web page, I recommend the free services available from Brinkster- http://www.brinkster.com/. Using the classic file manager you can upload three files at a time and see them listed.
I wouldn't know about any useful instructional video on GooTube, but there are several good web design sites on the internet W3Schools is one of the best- http://www.w3schools.com/
For a quick and dirty idea of how to use CSS (you will want to use CSS) check out this article at A List Apart- http://www.alistapart.com/articles/holygrail/
If you can get to where you are comfortable with making a web page using those two sites by next weekend. I would say that you have a decent shot at being able to put a good site together by mid November.
Lastly, as you can probably tell I am partial to FireFox so I would recommend it. You pretty much can't uninstall IE but don't anyway, you will want it around to make sure that your site looks OK on it.
A dandy text editor that gives you "nice looking color coded text file with indentations that make it easy to tell where tags start and end" you can down load Crimson Editor. link is to CNet Mirror
Almost forgot- It is a good idea to get into the habit of doing things right right from the start. Once you create a web page you make sure that HTML validates by uploading the file at-
and validate your CSS at-
Remember- What looks good in FireFox or other non-IE browser and validates, can fall apart drastically in IE.
Further reading-
Mako 4 CSS - An excellent primer
The Layout Reservoir by Blue Robot
Max Design Listamatic
The W3C has it's own tutorial now and it looks pretty good to me. It takes the approach of teaching CSS and HTML at the same time, which would have been a lot of help to me way back when-