FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. Basically its a set of rules that are used when transferring files.
Its hard to tell you what is wrong without seeing the address. Most people who setup FTP's are using a server or a computer acting as a server or a FTP program to host the file which makes it available for others to download.
Here is where I am confused by your question. You said its an FTP Upload address. Are you trying to upload a file to an FTP Site or Server? Or are you trying to download something from an FTP Site or Server?
Usually with uploads, only the person who is managing the host server or the host site can do uploads. Unless they have granted admin rights to other people, usually people they know and trust.
FTP's are used by businesses who need a secure way to transfer files from one site or business to another. They are also used by people who transfer numerous files on a regular basis or huge files that are too big for email.
If you have a server then you can just store the files on there. The only reason you would need an FTP Client is if you need to access to them from a remote location. Even that can be worked around with Google Documents.
A database is used to store data. An example of a database program is MS Access. It has fields that are similar to MS Excel and all you are doing is inputting your data. Do you know what kind of database program you will be using? You may not even need an FTP Client.
At my workplace all we use FTP Software for is to send and receive data to/from outside parties using a secure connection. Just FYI, you should test any software in the test environment before going live with it. I'd hate to see your data fall in the wrong hands due to untested software, especially with confidential information like patient info.