The package statement at the top of the the java program is not an import statement.
It indicates the relative directory path, or "package" that the current program is in.
So the Java class name in the example on that page is "WordCount".
That means the Java source program file name has to be ""
The "package org.myorg;" statement at the top of the program means the Java class is located in this directory:
And your program file is here:
So when you recreate this program, it has to be in that directory.
This is a relative directory.
That means the "org" root path can be located anywhere within your java path.
For example, if you are writing your java programs in:
You could put the package path in:
The other thing is "org.myorg" or "org/myorg" is a path you create. It doesn't have to be those words. Just make sure the relative directory path and the package name matches.