HTML is not a programming language at all. It won't help you. It's good to know, but that's not going to give you any insight towards software development.
If you are working in Linux, then PHP is very easy and extremely popular. If you are working on Windows and want to develop Windows apps, then learn using Microsoft Visual Studio tools and Microsoft libraries. Therefore, you'll want to use Visual Basic and then C++ from there.
The key to which language is for your environment. Microsoft has class libraries for all the Windows stuff. Apple has all their stuff for iOS stuff. You want to focus on that more than language. You'll find that the language is more syntax than anything. The libraries and classes are where the real "work" is done. So stay close to home.
If for windows - I suggest starting with Visual Basic.
If for web stuff - HTML and PHP
If for IOS stuff - You must work in MAC environment and Objective C
If in Linux - I can't say - I always used C for linux. But there are many other great languages in linux.
Just remember - it's about the libraries and classes more than the language itself.