Perform a cascading delete operation. It deletes all rows in the table specified that conform to the criteria selected, while also deleting any child/grandchild records—and so on.
You did not specify the environment in which you are operating. Therefore, I listed solutions in Access, SQL Server 2005, the .NET Framework, and also included two links to stored procedures.
One of the (few) very handy things about MS Access is the cascade delete function. If you delete a record from a parent table, all relating records in the child tables are also deleted.
SQL Server 2005:
SQL Server supports cascading updates and deletes through the foreign key constraint mechanism. SQL Server returns SQL_CASCADE for UPDATE_RULE and/or DELETE_RULE columns if CASCADE option is specified on the ON UPDATE and/or ON DELETE clause of the FOREIGN KEY constraints. SQL Server returns SQL_NO_ACTION for UPDATE_RULE and/or DELETE_RULE columns if NO ACTION option is specified on the ON UPDATE and/or ON DELETE clause of the FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Are you in a .NET environment?
All of the ForeignKeyConstraints have been set to:
Here is a stored procedure for a cascading delete:
Normally, if you try and delete a record from a table that is constrained by a foreign key, you’ll get an error message. This procedure checks for any foreign keys for the table, deletes any child records, then deletes the intended record.
It references the system tables sysforeignkeys, sysobjects and syscolumns. Sysforeignkeys does what it says on the tin—it’s a list of all foreign keys in the database. It doesn’t contain actual table and field names, instead it contains links to the sysobjects (tables, stored procedures, views etc) and syscolumns (fields).
The procedure works like this—if you want to delete a record from table X, you look in the sysforeignkeys table for all references where table X is the parent table. It may be involved in several such FK’s. All you do is recursively go through these FK’s, deleting the child table records that are linked to the record we want to delete.
Recursive row delete stored procedure:
This is designed to do the same sort of thing as Access's cascade delete function.
It first reads the sysforeignkeys table to find any child tables, then deletes the soon-to-be orphan records from them using recursive calls to this procedure. Once all child records are gone, the rows are deleted from the selected table. It is designed at this time to be run at the command line. It could also be used in code, but the printed output will not be available.