Each element becomes an array of four, not knowing what language you are using but basicly its no different than any other array - just each element is also an array.
Let me show you what a 2D array can look like. This is in C
char FamilyNames[4][5] = { "Dave", "Jill", "Chris", "Ben"; };
in the above example, to access any specific name I would use
FamilyNames[ELEMENT] - and that would return the whole array. If I wanted to access the i in jill I would do this:
Note that in teh above example, all the names must be 5 characters long because the longest, Dave is 4 chars + null terminator. Same with Jill and Chris. Ben however could be shorter, but since this is a 2D array, the memory must be equal for all. In C i can get around this by creating an array of pointers to arrays
char *FamilyNames[4] = {"Dave", "Jill", "Chris", "Ben" };
In the above I prevent from wastin the memory of the extra char in ben.