im knidoff nerdy and i was curious, to me, in the world of software there are probably millions of softwares that do different things, but most do the same function and can be narrowed down to about 50 or so categories, and each category has their own audience with the standard one among them, like for designers and photographers Photoshop CS5 is the king, or for 3D studio productions Autodesk Maya is the king, etc.. ive made a list in my spare time writting down the "king" of each type of software but i got stumbled when i came across developer tools, alot of people like using Notepad++ for every single coding related thing be it web coding or scripting, ive come to think its the only tool programers use to make programs from start to finish and modify coding and such from start to finish, i havent done that much coding myself so i dont really know, what do you guys think? is it the only program a developer needs? (i know there are alternatives to it but im still lost)