What is diffarance between sql and other programming laung?
2014-02-06 02:43:26 UTC
What is diffarance between sql and other programming laung?
Eight answers:
Jeff P
2014-02-06 05:55:14 UTC
Just about every answer on here is wrong. SQL IS a programming language. Just like every other programming language out there, it can create, read, update, and delete data and information. It doesn't matter if that information is stored in a database or within an application, you're still using a programming language (hence the L in SQL stands for Language) to work with data. If you have doubts about whether or not SQL is/isn't a programming language, then you've obviously never had to create complex procedures and functions.

The differnce between SQL and other programming languages is, SQL is SQL, Just like C# is C#, and VB .NET is VB .NET. SQL is different from other programming languages because every other programming language is different from each other.
Pritesh Chaudhari
2014-02-06 03:00:31 UTC
SQL is just a database system, its not a programming language in the slightest, most people connect to their SQL databases using PHP so its easy to think that it was related to it in some way.

the programming languages like python,ruby,java,c++,c. These are the programming languages use to comunnicate with the machines/hardware python is a good start for basics till advance ruby an alternative to python java and c++ are object oriented programming languages. C is the master of all the programming languages it has ruled ower 3 decades a bit harder than python.
2014-02-06 02:50:24 UTC
sql is NOT a programming languaqe. It is structured query language. It is only used to change or read data in a database. While any decent database will have a very powerful version of sql, it can ONLY be used to carry out data operations. You can NOT write a program with it.
2014-02-06 03:14:19 UTC
As all other respondents have stated - SQL is a structured query language used for manipulating the data (its content - in that it may work on a subset of it) or It can show data (or a subset of it) on the screen in any format/order. All data bases (DB2, Oracle, or SQL server have their proprietary SQL's
2014-02-06 04:05:04 UTC
SQL is a application software of database which is used for manage all the data or records. C, C++, .NET, JAVA, PHP these are programming language which is used for develop website or application software.
2014-02-06 02:58:52 UTC
Sql is not a programming languages. It is used to manipulate databases. You can say its a programming language for databases only it does nothing else apart from updating databases directly,getting information from databases and stuff.

Programming languages are used to build other stuffs which is not database related.
2014-02-06 04:14:58 UTC
other programming languages are not made for doing relational databases. SQL is.
2014-02-09 20:49:26 UTC
To solve problems in a procedural programming language (such as Basic, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, and so on), you write lines of code that perform one operation after another until the program completes its tasks. The program may execute its lines of code in a linear sequence or loop to repeat some steps or branch to skip others. In any case, when writing a program in a procedural language, the programmer specifies what is to be done and how to do it.

SQL, on the other hand, is a nonprocedural language in that you tell SQL what you want to do without specifying exactly how to accomplish the task. The DBMS, not the programmer, decides the best way to perform the job. Suppose, for example, that you have a CUSTOMER table and you want a list of customers that owe you more than $1,000.00. You could tell the DBMS to generate the report with this SQL statement:







BALANCE_DUE > 1000.00

If writing a procedural program, you would have to write the control loop that reads each row (record) in the table, decides whether to print the values in the columns (fields), and moves on to the next row until it reaches the end of the table. In SQL, you specify only the data you want to see. The DBMS then examines the database and decides how best to fulfill your request.

Although it is an acronym for "Structured Query Language," SQL is more than just a data retrieval tool. SQL is a:

Data definition language (DDL), for creating (and dropping) database objects such as tables, constraints, domains, and keys.

Data manipulation language (DML), for changing values stored in columns, inserting new rows, and deleting those you no longer want.

Data control language (DCL), for protecting the integrity of your database by defining a sequence of one or more SQL statements as a transaction in which the DBMS must complete all statements successfully or have none of them affect the database. DCL also lets you set up the security structure for the database.

Query language, for retrieving data.

In addition to the DDL, DML, DCL, and query functions, SQL maintains data integrity and coordinates concurrent access to the database objects. In short, SQL provides all of the tools you need for controlling and interacting with the DBMS.

Despite all that it does, SQL is not a complete computer language (like Basic, C, or FORTRAN) because it contains no block (BEGIN, END) statements, conditional (IF) statements, branch (GOTO) statements, or loop (DO, WHILE, FOR) statements. Because it lacks input statements, output statements, and common procedural language control methods, SQL is considered a data sublanguage. What SQL lacks in procedural language components, it makes up for in the database realm with statements specialized for database management and data retrieval tasks.

You can get information from an SQL database by submitting ad hoc queries during an interactive session or by embedding SQL statements in a procedural application program. Issuing queries during an interactive session is most appropriate when you want a quick answer to a specific question that you may ask only once. If, on the other hand, you need the same information repeatedly and want to control the format of the output, embedding SQL statements in an application program or having the program send SQL commands to the DBMS via a call-level interface makes the most sense.


Most major database vendors are adding procedural programming language-like features to their SQL products by allowing you to create stored procedures. Stored procedures are sequences of SQL statements that you tell the DBMS to execute by entering the stored procedure's name at the console during an interactive session, or by sending the name as a command to the DBMS within an application program. The stored procedure itself contains SQL statements and code written in the vendor's extensions to SQL that provide procedural language facilities such as BEGIN-END blocks, IF statements, functions, procedures, WHILE loops, FOR loops, and so on. Oracle, for example, extends SQL with PL/SQL and SQL *Plus, while Microsoft lets you use its Transact-SQL extensions in stored procedures.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.