1. Create great content – everything starts with great content.
2. Update the content regularly – make your visitors come back again and again to your blog by providing daily updates (even multiple posts per day!)
3. Submit your blog to blog directories – some examples include
Blogcritics.org http://blogcritics.org/archives/2003/10/06/134209.php
Blogstreet http://www.blogstreet.com/bin/addrss.cgi
blogwise http://www.blogwise.com/submit
boingboing http://boingboing.net/suggest.html
2rss http://www.2rss.com/
WeBlogALot http://www.weblogalot.com/Ping/
Globe of Blogs http://www.globeofblogs.com/register.php
Blog Universe http://bloguniverse.com/
The Truth Laid Bear http://www.truthlaidbear.com/addtoscan.php
Memigo http://www.memigo.com/users/join
BlogHop http://www.bloghop.com/account/index.htm
Blogarama http://www.blogarama.com/index.php?show=add
Contents Matter http://www.bloghq.com/create.php
PubSub http://www.pubsub.com/add_feed.php
BlogSearchEngine http://www.blogsearchengine.com/submit/
EatonWeb http://portal.eatonweb.com/add.php
RDFTicker http://www.anse.de/rdfticker/addchannel.php
Blogdigger http://www.blogdigger.com/add.jsp
Bloogz http://www.bloogz.com/man_en/add_your_url.php
BLOG’z http://www.sarthak.net/blogz/add.php
Columbia Newsblaster mailto: blaster@cs.columbia.edu
RocketInfo http://reader.rocketinfo.com/desktop/AddRSSFeed.jsp
HeadlineSpot http://www.headlinespot.com/site/suggest.htm
KIOSKEN http://www.esperanto.se/kiosk/engindex.html
4. Network with other bloggers – comment on their blogs, read and link to other blogs and request them to link back to you
5. Email other bloggers – pitch your post to other bloggers and hope that they will link or mention your blog
6. Use techniques to showcase your blog – examples include meme games such as the Daily Meme http://thedailymeme.com/ or carnivals (visit the Blog Carnival http://blogcarnival.com/bc/ for various blog topics)