Set all of them to false? Do you mean?
for (int i = 0; i < Holder.length, i++) {
Holder[i] = false;
Now, it's probably a bad idea to start a name with a capital letter and then lower-cases unless it's a class name. (Holder looks like a class name, but holder looks like a variable name. It's not technically required in Java, but it's a good idea.)
Also, depending on what you're trying to do, you might actually find it easier to work with an Integer and use bit-wise operators instead of an Array of Booleans. In effect, that's what an integer is.
The bitwise operators work as follows, & (AND, is used to "mask" or turn specific bits off), | (OR, is used to "include" or turn specific bits on), ^ (XOR is used to toggle: if they're on, they'll turn off, and vice versa).
So, you'd use int holder = 0; (to turn all of the switches off.)
And to turn on for example the third bit on you'd use
holder |= 4; (since 2^3/2 = 4) And to toggle it on and off holder ^= 4;
The highest number that holder will be is 63 (2^5 - 1). It helps if you know binary maths. To turn off the third bit, you'd use holder &= 59; (63 - 4).
I hope this helps, please email me if you'd like to know more.