2008-01-27 19:09:26 UTC
PHP setting register_globals is disabled:
phpBB will still run if this setting is enabled, but if possible, it is recommended that register_globals is disabled on your PHP install for security reasons. No
HTTP input character conversion:
mbstring.http_input must be set to pass. No
HTTP output character conversion:
mbstring.http_output must be set to pass. No
I'm using FreeHostia
I have contacted the FreeHostia support and they replied
In the phpBB3 folder create a php.ini file and put the following lines in it:
ini_set('mbstring.http_input', 'pass');
ini_set('mbstring.http_output', 'pass');
register_globals = Off
How do I excatly do this? I'm new with website stuff, I just need a clear step by step guide for it or copy of the file.