2013-05-06 14:26:35 UTC
Right now, the script is as follows;
Echo Now Deleting Scrap Drive C ,HomeA Location !!!
del *.jpg /s /a
del *.jpeg /s /a
del *.pdf /s /a
del *.bbb /s /a
del *.ipd /s /a
del *.VCF /s /a
del *.mp4 /s /a
Echo Completing Home A Cleanup 100%
The problem is this; on some computers, we have .jpg images and .pdf images that we need to keep. What I am trying to figure out how to do is code the script to ignore a specific folder on the computer, and delete the rest. I have a minor, minor background in Java, so I'm thinking something along the lines of
if (file is located in C:\Users\Employee\Desktop)
dont delete
Mission Impossible status self-distruct.
Any ideas of how I could get this to work for my code? Thanks!