its keeps telling me that a script in the arobe falsh player is casuing an error?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
its keeps telling me that a script in the arobe falsh player is casuing an error?
Three answers:
2016-09-05 23:12:34 UTC
"however I suppose he's a participant or homosexual" That assertion confuses me. If he got here throughout like a important participant even as calling you beautiful you'll anticipate he is instantly. Of path he might be a homosexual participant however where case he'd be telling a few man that he used to be beautiful. They are 2 very specific vibes. Maybe you've gotten low self worth and uncover it tough to feel that this man thinks you are beautiful? If thats no longer the main issue then get to understand him slowly. That manner If he's a participant you'll be able to uncover out earlier than you get harm. Good Luck
2007-09-18 17:18:22 UTC
It is possible that you are using an old version of Adobe Flash or that it is corrupted. Assuming you are in the administrator account, first check Add/Remove Programs to see if you have Adobe or Macromedia Flash installed. If yes uninstall them using the new Uninstaller provided by Adobe and reboot (some computers require a reboot to completely uninstall programs)

Then try to download the Flash player again from the following site:

However, it has been reported that some people are having issues downloading the full version directly from Adobe. If that is the case, you may want to try to download it as a standalone.

Note: Flash Player is not a program per se. It is a plug-in to your web browser to allow flash content to be displayed and is required for many gaming sites.


Afterwards check your setting in IE7. Go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced and scroll down to the Multimedia section and ensure that the appropriate settings are indicated.
2007-09-22 14:14:27 UTC
This would all depend on what browser you are using there are known issues with internet explorer 7, but are you using ie7 or are you still using ie6, pogo uses java for its online games cousre some of the to go ames need adobe flash 9, so there again what version of adobe flash are you using right now, probally the best thing you can do is go into your add or remove programs and uninstall the adobe flash version you have right now then go to and install the newsest version, or if you dont want to do that after you uninstall go to and download it and save it to your computer and install it yourself, or here is some pogo information on games running slow, good luck and hope it helps.

If you are having performance problems (especially with Squelchies and the "Win" balloons in PopFu) on a Windows computer, try adjusting the Hardware Acceleration setting for your display driver. Here's how to do that:

Right click on your desktop, and select "Properties"

Select the "Settings" tab

Click on the "Advanced" button

Select the "Troubleshoot" tab in the box that appears

Turn the "Hardware acceleration" slider down (to the left) one notch.

Click OK

Now try playing again. If you still get slow performance with the game, please click the 'contact us' tab at the top of this page to e-mail us for help

Why do the Club Pogo Exclusive games take so long to load for me, when everything else loads normally on Pogo?

The Club Pogo exclusive games (those with the Gold Star next to them when logged in to Club Pogo) are much bigger files than the rest of the games. The better graphics, sounds, and features all make the files bigger, which means they take longer to download. The first time you play one of those games (whether you are prompted to install it or not) they will take anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes to download, depending on how fast and stable your Internet connection is. This is normal behavior. However, once you've downloaded a game the first time, it should load very quickly when you come back again.

Here are the most common situations people encounter where the Club Pogo games load slowly:

If the games load slowly on occasion, but not always:

The room you're trying to get into is probably on a server that is having issues. We monitor our servers closely, but when a lot of people are trying to get in for a challenge or high jackpot, a server can have problems for a while before it shows up on our "radar". Try playing in other rooms and you should be able to find some that you can play in until we get the problem resolved.

If you notice that no one can get into a particular room for more than 20-30 minutes, please click the Contact Us tab above to let us know. We will then alert our system administrators and get the problem fixed as quickly as possible.

If the games take more than 3 minutes to load every time:

This may mean that you are completely downloading the game every time. This may occur if you are deleting your browser and your Java cache, or Temporary Internet Files often. You really only need to clear your browser cache once a week, unless you have encounter an error or problem while viewing a page or playing a game. The purpose of clearing your cache is to ensure you have the most recent version of Pogo's game files and web pages. We only release a new version once a week (on Tuesday mornings) so unless you're getting a weird error or something like that, you don't need to clear your cache more frequently than once a week.

How do I clear my Java cache?

In order to delete the Java cache and objects, which is different from the browser cache and temporary Internet files; using the latest version of Sun Java 1.5.x, please follow these steps if you are also using Windows. If you are not sure if you have the latest version of Sun Java or not, please visit our article about checking for the Java plugin and follow the instructions.

Once you are sure you are using the latest version of Sun Java, please follow these instructions to delete the Java cache and objects if you're using Windows.

Click the following things in order: Start -> Control Panel -> Java -> 'General' tab.

Click the Delete Files button located in the Temporary Internet Files section.

Make sure all three boxes are selected, and click OK.

This should probably be done whenever you encounter a problem with the way a game is functioning. Restarting your computer after doing so can also help the performance of the game

What is Java? Why do I need it to run Pogo games?

Java is a programming language created by Sun Microsystems. It's unique among other programming languages because it was built to run on any operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.) Almost all of Pogo's games are created with Java, and are constructed in a way that they can run right inside your web browser, using the Java Virtual Machine installed with your browser.

How can I test to see if Java is working?

go to the pogo home page, click on help, then click on help and a new window will open (support Home Pge) then under platform & game select pc then select pogo games, then leave it showing all subs, then in the search text box on the upper right type in java test, then click search, you will then see a list of information click on the number 1 which is java test, at the bottom of the screen you should see a java applet, you can save this information to send to pogo if you need to,and you can go to and run a test as well on your java, try going through the information below and see if any of it helps you out

How do I clear my Java cache?

In order to delete the Java cache and objects, which is different from the browser cache and temporary Internet files; using the latest version of Sun Java 1.5.x, please follow these steps if you are also using Windows. If you are not sure if you have the latest version of Sun Java or not, please visit our article about checking for the Java plugin and follow the instructions.

Once you are sure you are using the latest version of Sun Java, please follow these instructions to delete the Java cache and objects if you're using Windows.

Click the following things in order: Start -> Control Panel -> Java -> 'General' tab.

Click the Delete Files button located in the Temporary Internet Files section.

Make sure all three boxes are selected, and click OK.

This should probably be done whenever you encounter a problem with the way a game is functioning. Restarting your computer after doing so can also help the performance of the game.

How do I install or update Java?

If you've never installed Java on your computer, you'll need to do so in order to play Pogo games. It's not uncommon for new computers (particularly those with Windows XP) to ship without any form of Java installed, so don't panic if you don't have it. Java is a free download and is easy to install. Also, updating it follows the same steps, so these are directions for that, as well.

Below you will find two sets of instructions. One is for uninstalling Sun Java and one is for installing Sun Java. Following these processes should help you resolve any problems you are encountering with Java, such as getting errors saying something like "Java Not Found or Not Working". The instructions below are primarily for Windows users. If you are using Mac OS X, please go to for assistance with uninstalling and installing Sun Java. If you are using any other operating system, such as a version of Linux, please refer to the manufacturer's website for assistance with uninstalling and installing Java.

Uninstalling Sun Java

If you already have Sun Java installed, or if you are not sure it is installed, try following these steps listed below. If you are unable to find the Java icon in the Control Panel as indicated, then go ahead and jump down to the second set of instructions for installing the latest version of Sun Java.

Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.

Select Run.

In the text box, type 'control' (without the quotes) and click OK.

Double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon.

Scroll down to 'Java Runtime Environment' or 'J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0' and uninstall all instances that you see.

Scroll down to 'Java Web Start' and uninstall it as well.

Restart your computer. To get back to these instructions to install Sun Java, come back to the Help Pages and do a search for "Installing Sun Java".

Installing or re-installing Sun Java

Go to the Sun Java Download page at

The steps may vary as Sun updates this page periodically.

Click the Download button that is usually on the right side of the page.

Click the Begin Download button.

Next you may encounter a warning message that instructs you on 'Installing the ActiveX Control'. Please follow the instruction to allow the installation.

If you see a Security Warning for installing the J2SE Runtime Environment, click Install.

Next you will be prompted to read and accept the license agreement. After reading the agreement click next to 'I accept...' and click Next.

When prompted, choose 'Typical' installation, and click Next.

When the installation is complete, you may be asked to restart your computer now or later. Choose to restart it now.

After your computer has restarted and you are online, go back and try to play again.

If you still have the same problems with the games after uninstalling and reinstalling the plug-in, please click on the 'Contact Us ' tab at the top of this page to request help via e-mail from one of our Game Support Representatives. Make sure to let us know that you already tried these steps, so that we can help you from there.

I got a "Java not found or not working" error.

When you first load a game, our servers run a 'check' on your Java to make sure it's working. A 'Java Not installed or not working' error usually means that something got messed up with your Java plugin or Virtual Machine and it's no longer functioning properly. If your Java's not working, the games won't work.

If you're getting this error, you should first try playing several different games. Here are some suggestions:

Word Whomp

Ali-Baba Slots

Cribbage (play with robots so you can leave if need be)

Ez-Win Bingo

If you get this error in all or most of the games, you should reinstall or upgrade your Java software.

If you only get this error in one game or a few games, you probably just need to re-download those games. Try clearing out your browser cache and Java cache as well, then completely close and re-open your browser and try again.

If you get this error and are using Internet Explorer 7, you may need to enable Java in IE 7.

'Java not found or not working' errors when using Sun Java and IE 7

If you recently updated to Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7.0) and are now experiencing 'Java Not Found or Not Working' errors, it is typically due to Java being disabled in the browser. You can manually enable Java using the steps below:

Open an Internet Explorer 7 browser window.

Click the Tools menu in the upper right of the window.

Click Manage Add-Ons and select Enable and Disable Add-Ons.

Click Sun Java Console.

Make sure the radio button at the bottom is set to Enable.

Click OK.

Close the window.

Open a new Internet Explorer 7 browser window and go to the Pogo website.

Launch a Pogo game.

Try one that you are sure was not previously working so you can test it.

Java should now be fully enabled and Pogo games should work correctly.

How do I make sure the Sun Java 2 plug in is enabled and working?

To check to see if you already have Sun Java installed and enabled, please follow these instructions.

Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.

Select Run.

Type 'control' (without the quotes) in the text field box and click OK.

Once you are viewing the Control Panel, there is panel to the left that either says 'Switch to Classic View' or 'Switch to Category View'. If it says 'Switch to Classic View' then click it. If it says 'Switch to Category View' then you are where you want to be. To the right of where it says 'Switch to Category View' you will see a list of items, the first item listed is most likely 'Accessibility Options'. Scroll down the list until you see 'Java' and double click it so the Java Control Panel appears.

In the Java Control Panel, click the Advanced tab. If you don't see the Advanced tab, you have an older version of Sun Java. To find out how to update to the latest version, please click here. (Once you've read the article, just click the Back button on your browser to come back here.) Once you do this, Sun Java will automatically be enabled.

Once you are in the 'Advanced' you will want to click the plus sign (+) next to where it says 'Applet tag support'.

There you will see a check box next to 'Internet Explorer' and/or 'Mozilla Netscape'. If you have Internet Explorer then make sure the box next to it is checked. If you have a Mozilla browser, like Netscape or Firefox, then make sure the check box next to the 'Mozilla Netscape' option is checked as well.

Then click OK at the bottom of the Java Control Panel window and close all of your browser windows.

Now open up your browser, go back to Pogo, and try to play again.

How do I reinstall the Sun Java 2 plug in, if I already have it?

Below you will find two sets of instructions. One is for uninstalling Sun Java and one is for installing Sun Java. Following these processes should help you resolve any problems you are encountering with Java, such as getting errors saying something like "Java Not Found or Not Working".

The instructions below are primarily for Windows users. If you are using Mac OS X, please go to for assistance with uninstalling and installing Sun Java. If you are using any other operating system, such as a version of Linux, please refer to the manufacturer's website for assistance with uninstalling and installing Java.

Uninstalling Sun Java

If you already have Sun Java installed or are not sure try following these steps. If you are not able to find the Java icon in the Control Panel as indicated then go ahead and jump down to the second set of instructions for installing the latest version of Sun Java.

Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.

Select Run.

Type 'control' (without the quotes) in the text box field and click OK.

Double-click Add or Remove Programs.

Scroll down to 'Java Runtime Environment' or 'J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0' and uninstall all instances that you see.

Scroll down to 'Java Web Start', and uninstall it as well.

Restart your computer. To get back to these instructions to install Sun Java, come back to the Help Pages and do a search for 'Installing Sun Java'.

Installing or re-installing Sun Java

Go to the Sun Java Download page at

From here, the steps may vary as Sun updates this page periodically.

Click the Download button that is usually on the right side of the page.

Now you may see a Begin Download button. Click the button.

Next you may encounter a warning message that instructs you regarding Installing the ActiveX Control. Please follow the instructions to allow the installation.

You may see a Security Warning for installing the J2SE Runtime Environment. Click Install.

You will be prompted to read and accept the license agreement. After reading the agreement click next to 'I accept...' and then click Next.

When prompted, choose 'Typical' installation, and click Next.

When the installation is complete, you may be asked to restart your computer now or later. Choose to restart it now.

After your computer has restarted and you are online go back and try to play again.

If you still have the same problems with the games after uninstalling and reinstalling the plug-in, please click on the 'Contact Us' tab at the top of this page to request more help. Make sure to let us know that you already tried these steps, so that we can help you from there.

I've been asked to submit a Java log. How do I do that?

For Sun Java users:

If you are using the latest version of Sun Java to play our games, you will see a Sun Java icon that looks like a Coffee Cup in your System Tray (near your computer's clock) after you have started loading a game. Right-click that icon and choose 'Open Console'. Then, click the 'Copy' button. Next, go to your response field of your incident, right-click and choose 'Paste', or press CTRL+V on your keyboard.

If you do not see this icon in your system tray near your clock, then you either do not have the latest version of Java, or you disabled the icon from appearing. To enable the icon again, simply go to your Control Panel, click 'Java', then on the Advanced tab, click the plus sign (+) next to 'Miscellaneous' and check the box next to "Place Java icon in system tray". Then, click OK and start over with the first paragraph to provide us with your Java log.

For MS Java users (Please note that we strongly recommend switching to Sun Java ):

Note: If you're using AOL, you'll need to open Internet Explorer (or right-click the Internet Explorer icon on your Desktop) to view these options:

Go to the Tools menu in Internet Explorer and choose Internet Options.

Click the Advanced tab and make sure you have the following settings:


Disable script debugging - OFF

Java VM

Java console enabled (requires restart) - ON

Java JIT compiler enabled - OFF

Java logging enabled - ON

Click the Security tab and make sure the "Security level for this zone" is set to Medium.

Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Now your Java Logging is enabled. So the next time the error or problem occurs, you can go to the View menu and choose Java Console. Just copy (hold down the Ctrl key and press the "C" key once) the text in that window and paste (hold down the Ctrl key and press the "V " key once) it into the Contact Us form on our Games Support site to send it to us.

If you're having trouble copying and pasting, check in the C:\WINDOWS\JAVA folder for a file called 'javalog.txt '. You can also send us the contents of that.

If you have any questions, please reply to the request and let the agent who requested it know.

How can I view (or send in) my Java version information?

To find which Java you are using, please do the following:

Click this link to open the Java Version Info window. This is hosted at

This will make a new in window appear. The window will display information about your Java version that you can use to troubleshoot your issue.

If you want to send this to a Support Agent or have been asked to, please follow the steps below.

Highlight all 3 lines of text in the box of the new window.

To highlight the text, click before the first letter and continue to hold the mouse button down. Drag the cursor to the last character of the third line, and then you can let go of the mouse button.

Copy the text.

To copy the text, hold down the Ctrl key and press the "C" key once. (For Mac users: hold down the Apple key and press the "C " key once.)

Paste the text into the Response Field or the Question Field.

To paste the text, go the text field where you would like the text to appear and left click once in that area. Then, hold down the Ctrl key and press the "V " key once. The text should then appear in the text field.

Clearing your browser cache is not only good regular maintenance for your computer; it can also fix many common issues with Pogo games when they won't load or close mysteriously mid-game, which can commonly happen if the files in your browser cache get corrupted or just stop working. For instructions on how to do this for each browser supported by, please click the link that matches (or most closely matches) the browser you're using. Please follow the 'clear Java cache' instructions as well; that way, you know your browser is starting on a completely clean slate. (Think of it as changing the oil in your car.)

As a final note, even though we list older versions of some browsers here, if you're using an older version of your browser, we strongly recommend visiting the website of the browser's provider (Microsoft for Internet Explorer, etc.) and downloading the very latest version before you do anything else.

Clearing Cache: Internet Explorer 7.x

Here's how to clear your cache with Internet Explorer 7.x browsers:

Launch your Internet Explorer browser.

Click Tools on the menu toolbar at the top of the browser.

Select Internet Options from the drop-down menu.

Click the Delete... button in the Browsing History section.

Click the Delete Files... button in the Temporary Internet Files section.

Click the Close button on the Delete Browsing History screen.

Click OK on the Internet Options screen.

Close all browser windows and restart Internet Explorer.

Please be sure to clear your Java cache as well!

Clearing Cache: Internet Explorer 6.x and 5.x

Here's how to clear your cache with Internet Explorer 6.x browsers:

Launch your Internet Explorer browser.

Click Tools on the menu toolbar at the top of the browser.

Select Internet Options from the drop-down menu.

Click the Delete Cookies button.

Click the Delete Files button.

Click OK.

Close your browser and restart Internet Explorer.

Please be sure to clear your Java cache as well!

Clearing Cache: Firefox 2.0

Here's how to clear your cache in Mozilla Firefox (version 2.0x):

Click Tools from the main menu at the top of the Firefox window.

Select Options (the Options window will appear).

Click the Privacy button on the top left of the window.

Click the Clear Now... button in the Private Data section.

Be sure there is a check mark in the 'Cache' check box. (Note: For a more complete browser maintenance, you may want to check all of the boxes.)

Click the Clear Private Date Now button.

Once your cursor reverts from the hourglass to the normal cursor, click OK at the bottom of the Options window.

Now, close all Firefox windows and restart Firefox.

Please be sure to clear your Java cache as well!

Clearing Cache: Firefox 1.5

Here's how to clear your cache in Mozilla Firefox (version 1.5):

Click Tools from the main menu at the top of the Firefox window.

Select Options. (The Options window will appear)

Click on the Privacy button on the top left of the window.

Click the Cache tab.

Click the 'Clear Cache Now' button. (Your computer may take a minute or two to delete everything.)

Once your cursor reverts from the hourglass to the normal cursor, click OK at the bottom of the Options window.

Now, close all Firefox windows and restart Firefox.

Please be sure to clear your Java cache as well!

Clearing Cache: AOL 9 SE

Here's how to clear your cache with AOL 9 SE:

Click the Settings icon.

Click Internet [Web] Options.

On the right (under Related Settings), click on Internet Explorer Settings.

Under Temporary Internet Files, click 'Delete Files'.

Click OK.

Close the AOL Browser Settings window.

Please be sure to clear your Java cache as well!

Clearing Cache: AOL 9

Here's how to clear your cache with AOL 9:

Click the Settings icon.

Under Essentials, click Internet Properties.

Under Temporary Internet Files, click 'Delete Files'.

Click OK.

Close the AOL Settings Window.

Please be sure to clear your Java cache as well!

Clearing Cache: AOL 7 and AOL 8

Here's how to clear your cache with AOL 7 or AOL 8:

Click the aqua-colored Settings box at the top of the AOL window.

Click Preferences from the pop-up menu.

In the Preferences window, click on Internet Properties (WWW). (The AOL Internet Properties window will pop-up.)

Click the Delete Files... button under Temporary Internet Files.

Click OK when it asks "Delete all files in the Temporary Internet folder?". (You don't need to check the box.)

When it's done deleting (your cursor will return to normal), click OK at the bottom of that window.

Close the Preferences Window.

Please be sure to clear your Java cache as well!

Clearing Cache: Safari

Here's how to clear your browser cache in the Safari browser.

Launch Safari.

Click the Safari menu and select Empty Cache.

Click the Empty button in the dialog that appears to confirm the deletion of your cache.

Close all instances of Safari.

Launch a new Safari browser window and try to play again.

Please be sure to clear your Java cache as well!

Here are the minimum System Requirements to play Pogo games:

Operating System:

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac OS X 10.4.8 and later

Older Operating systems may work, but are not officially supported.

Internet Connection:

56Kbps or faster Internet connection

Recommended Java-enabled Web browser:

Internet Explorer 6

Internet Explorer 7

Note: There are known issues with Internet Explorer 7

Firefox 2 or later (Mac and PC)

Safari (Mac)


Windows Vista - Pentium III 1.6 GHz or better

Windows XP - Pentium III 400 MHz equivalent or better. (Battle Phlinx requires 700 MHz or better.)

Mac - PowerPC G4 or better or any Intel

System Memory (RAM):

Windows Vista - 512 MB

Windows XP - 128 MB (256 MB or more recommended)

Max OS X - 384 MB

Control Devices:



Why can't I play behind a proxy or firewall server?

Pogo does not officially support connections through firewalls, routers, or proxy servers. Also, please note that wireless Internet always has wireless routing, which can potentially block Pogo.

There are some things you can do to improve your ability to connect to Pogo if you do have a router or firewall. There is a fairly simple solution which most firewall packages support. If you allow access via our class C licenses, you will then be able to access the games and everything should work fine. Your firewall will probably require some IP addresses for this, and here are the IP addresses you need:

If you need help setting up your firewall as outlined above, please consult your system administrator or the documentation on your firewall software. We're not firewall experts, so your firewall documentation or system admin are your best bets for getting help on setting this up.

We constantly change which ports we use, so we don't offer port numbers as a solution for firewall and proxy access problems. We know that some people are used to using to punch holes in their firewalls, but the above solution is more secure and is supported by most firewalls on the market. Please note that we are unable to provide Port information to you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.