phpmyadmin log in as different user other than root@localhost, accidentally removed all access for user root?
2007-09-13 01:12:41 UTC

i accidentally removed all priviliges for root@localhost and that seems to be the default user for phpMyAdmin and i'm using version 2.9.2 , so i cant seem to get access to any databases because i dont have privilige for it anymore and that's the default user. i have another user id on it which has full access, so can i log into that in any way and restore access to root@localhost? or is there any command i can use which won't harm my data? thanks in advance
Four answers:
2007-09-13 08:07:40 UTC
Run this SQL statement:


where 'some_pass' is the root password.
2007-09-13 01:42:54 UTC
Set that up as the phpmyadmin default user. As long as the other user has grant permissions set it should be no problem.
2014-08-12 20:29:48 UTC
Hi there,

If you are looking for a free download of PHPmyadmin you can check here

I have been using it for years
2016-10-10 15:58:02 UTC
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