Concerned about your COBOL programs? Don't be.
COBOL is to business computing what Oil is to cars, planes ships engines and more. COBOL is what makes the world go round. If you shut COBOL like you would shut OIL, the World would literally stand still. COBOL is the only programming language that runs on more computing platform than ALL past and present programming languages combined. Form Mainframes, to UNIX, to Windows, and since 1994 on the INTERNET when most of today’s language “Du Jour++” were not even created. Even today, these immature languages cannot match the awesome Power, Strength, and Performance of COBOL in a true mission critical business environment.
COmmon Business Oriented language. The most Mature and most stable programming language ever devised for business Applications to date. Be it Financial, Manufacturing, Reservation, Banking, or any industries.
It is also the most consistently updated programming language: COBOL born in 1959. Continually updated and enhanced to support new technologies and computer power in 1968, 1974, 1985, 1997 and 2002 (COBOL-68, COBOL-74 COBOL-85, COBOL-97, COBOL-2002 AND the upcoming COBOL-2008).
It is also the only programming language that runs on practically all computing platforms ever built (American, British, French, Japanese Mainframes, Minis, PCs and it run on just about every UNIX platform), and the Internet!
COBOL ON THE INTERNET: "Seeing is Believing" visit or
If any of you want to see what can be accomplished on the Internet with COBOL, visit , and experience the power and lightning speed of COBOL on the internet like you have never seen it before. Furthermore the same COBOL module runs in a multi-lingual environment, from English to French to Spanish to Arabic, Hebrew, Hindu, and more...
And try the "2007 look" of the application by clicking on the United Nations flag. Again still the absolute same COBOL modules but different UI. Enjoy!
Questions and Inquiries welcome at
Read about some of what has been said or taught wrong about COBOL and the truth about COBOL and where it stands today at ( Those who think that COBOL is dead have not done their homework. All credit card transactions around the world are handled by COBOL. Just about every ATM machine on the planet provide cash to account holder using COBOL application. Nowadays, more business applications are being developed using COBOL that any other language. Many project managers hide this fact by fear of looking "outdated" or use some "Language du Jour" to develop Internet applications because they do not know that COBOL power and performance are much higher even on the Internet.