Which programming language do I need to use for creation of a game?
2015-01-09 12:47:43 UTC
I have lots of ideas about creating amazing games and I would like to proceed learning programming languages and other things to produce my own games. It's not going to be a simple games such as 30-40 mb, but 4-5 GB or more with high graphics. So, what are the programming languages and other design programs I must learn first before? I will appreciate your answers! Thank you
37 answers:
2015-01-10 07:41:31 UTC
To start with a 30-40 mb game isn't simple unless it is badly written. I did once write a mancala game which with a combination of recursion and a homebrew VGA driver brought every computer we tried to run it on to a standstill. So I'm not impressed by your plan.

That said, generally what happens these days is someone writes a game engine in a language like C++ and that is an interpreter for the game code which is written in a scripting language. This is true even in companies where they will make or customize an engine or each game.

Learning to program is more important than learning ANY programming language. Write it in Python or C/C++ or Java or even Pascal. Pick up any library or engine you think might help. And learn what you are doing. Trial and error is the only way.
2015-01-13 05:09:44 UTC
Its very very tough task to program even a tiny 1 MB game.

It requires in depth knowledge of programming languages.

You can never imagine, even a Simple Snake game can go up to 500 lines of code.

To start game programming, you have to first learn a programming language(C/C++/Java).

Then you should learn about Graphics, Then Animations and Ultimately Game Programming.

Lastly, Games like GTA, Counter Strike, and other big games, are not made by just one person.

Its a group of programming experts (almost 100 persons) working for the same game simultaneously.

It can take years.
2015-01-10 12:27:56 UTC
There is a game making software with a FP engine and requires knowledge of dark basic to use them which is not bad for a start. However, it all depends on what kind of a game you want to make because it depends on the type of engine that you could use. My suggestion would be to first pick a game engine that fits your needs then learn the language required to use it. It's not a complete programming language, usually, rather simplified, like a script, with a huge helpful database. A note: game developing also might require knowledge in 3d modeling, texturing (UVW unwrap and texture editing mostly), rigging 3D models, some game AI programming, collision detection, particles motion, RTR, hardware acceleration (for the purpose of using effects like glare, reflections, light and shadows etc)... Also you must consider making a good synopsis that can be developed into a script, design characters and ambient, plot, etc. Making a big game is definitely not an one man's job, so you might consider a team. It's not your skills that will be the problem, it's the usual: time and money (read: work invested and budget).
2015-01-14 02:31:10 UTC
Heyy. If you have no experience at all in programming or computing, don't aim for something literally impossible for a junior. Start of with very basic stuff. even a MB game is quite complex for beginners. Don't expect to do something without effort. And to program a 4-5 GB game, you'll need a team, sponsors who would fund you because its very costly.
2015-01-13 12:34:15 UTC
The reply dépends on the kind of game you want to write: is this a puzzle game with no need for high speed graphics the I would use C# (the Visual studio express is free). but if it needs to run also on Linux I would use Java. For something faster with sprites or with 3D I would use Unity (it is also free for non Professional use). Also don't overlook HTML5 + Javascript. This will allow your game o run in the browser of any (modern) computer. For top performance there is no alternative to C++ but it is REALLY hard to learn.

Anyway as athe other contributors said start by something very small to leanr the Tools before trying something complex.
2015-01-10 23:31:38 UTC
You need to slow down. Programming is something that takes time and patience. Don't expect to program a video game with 4GB of content by yourself and without at least 2 years of practice and learning.

Start by learning the basics. Python or Java are good languages that can teach you the basics and are powerful in their own right. At some point you'll need to learn C and C++. Learn C first because all C code is valid C++ code.

Once you learn the basics start learning about data structures, functional programming, threads, algorithms, and other higher concepts. Programming is not easy and it can be time consuming. And keep in mind that the "fun" stuff in a video game is doing things like art and music. Programming can be fun if you love math and problem solving. And if you're going to program games you will be using concepts from math! If you're going to make a modern game then you will need to model things like physics!

I'm not trying to discourage you, friend. I'm only being realistic. In Greek mythology there is a figure named Icarus who was imprisoned on the island of Crete. He was given wings made of wax by his father, Daedelus, a master craftman. His father warned him not to fly too close to the sun because the wings would melt and not to fly too close to the ocean because the water would clog the wings. Icarus ended up flying too close to the sun and falling into the sea.

Having high ambition is a good thing but its much better to break up your one big goal into smaller goals. I'm 27 years old. It took me many years to learn this lesson.

Using a search engine look up free programming books. Wikibooks also has many books on programming. Its a good place to start. Best of luck to you.
2015-01-14 06:26:41 UTC
Try Construct 2. It can serve as sort of an introduction to programming as it involves a little bit of programming and a bit of drag and drop, it will help you get your head round some concepts about Object Oriented Programming. C++ when you have more experience
2015-01-10 16:24:34 UTC
Start learning to program with any programming language, and, but the time you're ready to start creating games, you'll know which languages to use. I recommend that you start by learning Python, because it works and you can get it free from Once you've learned to write programs in one programming language, you'll be able to learn, quite quickly, any other programming language that you need.
2015-01-10 15:03:57 UTC

If you have zero knowledge in coding, I highly recommend you start with something very basic and fast to learn,

I recommend actionscript better known as Flash. I've seen impressive games come out of flash and since this is your first try you can find allot of great bases or examples of games.

I'm surprised no one brought up flash. I know its a platform of the past but it's still fully compatible with PCs macs and some tablets. Just not iPad or iPhone friendly.
2015-01-13 08:34:32 UTC
I heard a parent's discipline is the best programming language for a game :D
2015-01-09 12:51:04 UTC
there is not one language you can use to make a game... most languages can be used to make games... also if you have not built a game before i would recommend building something very simple like a minesweeper clone... then work your way up... games that are more than 100MB or so large generally have dozens or even hundreds of people working on them at the same time.....
2015-01-10 06:05:45 UTC
You don't have a shred of programming knowledge, yet you're already set on the amount of Gigabytes...? Oh dear.

Start with Python, invest a few months to see if programming is for you and go from there.

You can cross the "high graphics" bridge when you get there.
2015-01-10 12:27:49 UTC
LMAO. Learn Pascal first so you know the structure you will need to use with other languages.

You will start learning to programme in 8bit, then progress to 16bit. At this stage you can realistically start looking at your options but before these initial steps, forget about any aspirations you have about writing 32bit games or 64bit games. Sure you can write in C++ and put it in a compiler, but you will not be able to optimise the game .... meaning your 3GB game could run better with just 300mb and faster ... and that your planned 3GB game will be nearer 80GB ... something software publishers will laugh at you about.

The world is full of programmers better than you are ever going to be, they have strong maths skills, something essential when rendering graphics and most have years head start on you meaning = super experience.

Reality ... Experienced programmers can produce what inexperienced programmers churn out in 5% of the time, 1% of the cost, with 98% less bugs, with superior speed and fluidity, greater compatibility for other platforms and overall a sellable game.

I started programming in 1982, I am considered to be a computer whizz by most but I know the reality and now so do you.
2015-01-10 00:22:52 UTC
It Depends on the platform for which you want to create the game (i.e in which platform your game has to run).For example if you want to create games/app for android platform(Mobile) you should start learning JAVA,if it is windows platform learn C#.
2015-01-13 12:53:27 UTC
Any type of programming language is good, myself personally prefer either C or Lua and Lua the most as it is more simpler but not as good as C.
2015-01-10 21:37:34 UTC
Start by learning C++; Every computer science major at my university begins with this language
2015-01-14 04:19:14 UTC
C++ used for develop a game so you should start learn to C++.
Kaoru Kaw
2015-01-10 03:05:17 UTC
C++ is definitely one used in game development for professional games for both PC and console.

10 Best programming Languages you should learn.

1. Java

2. C Language

3. C++

4. C#

5. Objective-C

6. PHP

7. Python

8. Ruby

9. JavaScript

10. SQL
2015-01-12 07:26:27 UTC
Combination of Python and C language are best for game developing.
2015-01-10 18:19:35 UTC
2015-01-11 22:27:50 UTC
C++ is the best programing language for high graphics game. You should start with it.
2015-01-12 17:03:37 UTC
Learn FORTRAN. The people behind Minecraft wrote over two million lines of FORTRAN in the creation of the game. It's an excellent graphics language, if you ask me.
2015-01-09 13:36:15 UTC
C++, Java, and C# are good. If you are beginning it is very easy to use unity, it is powerful and easy once you get the hang of it.

Good Luck, Ben
2015-01-10 02:47:32 UTC
Most cd/DVD style games are actually written in Visual Basic and NOT C. But there ar so many compatability issues these days.
Henry Johnson
2015-01-09 13:29:03 UTC
You have to hello world before you run. Go learn C first.
2015-01-14 15:33:21 UTC
You may need a team to fix that. I believe C++ will be good.
2015-01-13 23:26:23 UTC
its depends for which platform your are designing the game.If its web then go for php and if its for some mobile then go for java.
2015-01-12 09:00:20 UTC
you can learn HTML5 for advanced games development.
2015-01-13 18:19:24 UTC
I think Java and android is the best.
2015-01-12 08:40:33 UTC
i bet that if you have the ambition you will very fast learn all the languages and all the best.
2015-01-10 03:44:30 UTC
I think at first you learn C++
2015-01-11 19:38:42 UTC
i dont know anything about this subject. but in the future if you possibly could .... please put your gamnes on the web for people like me. i love video games.
the one
2015-01-10 15:33:16 UTC
mainly java
2015-01-12 01:47:21 UTC
C++ and java is good.
2015-01-10 22:45:22 UTC
u should try mit app inventor....... its vry easy to use ....u can creat grt apps and games on it
2015-01-09 12:51:00 UTC
Well you will need I think HTML language, and DEFINETELY need to know javascript
Al Noman
2015-01-11 09:48:21 UTC
Must c++

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.