1) Is geometry is important to programming ? i mean a lot of people told me its , algebra 1 & 2 , calculus and science. That's about it
A: The highest math in programming that you will deal with on a regular basis will most likely be algebra. You will also need to be a strong critical thinker (figuring things out, thinking outside the box). Geometry and trig doesnt come into play until you start dealing with graphics and/or GUI applications
2) If I had never programed in my life will college teach me all that stuff ?
A: Most colleges will teach you various programming languages while you study towards your degree. I knew nothing about programming when i first started out, now i know 4 different languages (my strongest being c++ and java)
3) When i go to college, Do they teach meeverythingg about programing from point a to point z ?
A: Yes. Make sure to pay attention in class, and do your homework
4) How can i become good programmer ? i mean at this point i have no experiencee at all but i know my computers very well...
A: You dont really need any experience coming in, but of you want a head start on it, most colleges focus on c++ and/or java, so i would look into that if you want a head start. here are various sites that are helpful. Remember, practice makes perfect