As regards tables of contents, there are three ways of defining entries: using Word's Heading styles, an outline, or user-defined fields. It sounds like you have been using the last one, for which you select the entry, and press Alt+Shift+O together. Click OK to accept Level 1, or change the level to a sub-entry. When you come to generate your ToC, in the options menu, there is an option to specify whether the ToC is to be generated from Heading styles, an Outline or user-defined. Deselect Headings and Outline, and Word should then just generate your specified entries. [Edit] Sorry, I meant to say that I couldn't see any of your pictures except the one of the initial ToC menu on the ribbon. By styling, do you mean formatting? You have a choice in the menu as to having page numbers on the right, dot leaders, etc. You can choose different formats as well, Classic, Fancy, etc. Click References on the menu bar, click Table of Contents, then Insert ToC. Next, click Options. You will see that you can tick Styles, Outline levels or Table Entry Fields. The method I have outlined above of selecting a heading and pressing Alt+Shift+O is the Table Entry method. So delete the ticks beside Headings 1 to 3, and Word will ignore the headings in the rest of the document when it comes to update your ToC. Click OK. To update your ToC, move the cursor anywhere into it, whereupon it all becomes shaded in grey. Right-click, and choose Update Fields.