2010-06-18 11:10:14 UTC
I'm trying to learn C to prepare me for starting university this year, so bought a book called "C for dummies". Apparently, I am too dumb to even understand this book, because I can't for the life of me understand this compiling business!
The first program the book tells me to make is:
main () {}
The book says it's not meant to do anything, the idea is it won't bring up any error messages and I will know how to compile - good times. However, this is not the case! When I try to compile it, I get the messages:
"[Linker error] undefined reference to `__cpu_features_init'"
"Id returned 1 exit status"
Any idea how to fix this?
Oh, by the way, the book goes on about "gcc dumb.c -o dumb" (dumb is what the program is called), but I have no idea where this fits into compiling...sorry for the, what will obviously be, a noobish question, but I really can't think of what to do!
Thanks in advance :)