I am Bs. in Comp. Eng. and pursuing Ms. off all the calculus (integration, differentiation, derivation with multiple parameter functions), linear algebra and differential equations I used non in any professional coding projects I worked on (I worked on a lot of them)
Computers and programming languages define the four elementary artihmetic operations (actually modulus too but C doesn't even have an exponantiation operator), binary bit shifts and conditional logics if (...) then ... else ... and loops.
If the project you work on doesn't involve math by its nature; most don't (i.e database applications, web applications, middleware and even most AI topics) except 3D game progamming require matrix operations, and scientific applications)
Although I liked calculus to some extent, it almost never helped me to code. Function theory have many similarities with modular coding but you don't need to know one for the other; and wether logiv or logical thinking is solely in the domain of mathematics is arguable.
Check source codes of operating systems (like linux), DB and web servers and all the other stuff and let me know if you see any kind of trigonometric function or derivatives.
P.S. Even if you need those advanced calculus and matrix operations there are plenty of open source libraries which will calculate them for you. (MMX so called Multi Media Extension op-codes are actually Matrix Mathematics Extension; even CPU do your matrix math with single op-code) Yet although it doesn't help almost at all, it won't hurt it either.
Loren Soth