All the .jar needs is the .class.
I have spent a day or two trying to get the java .jar utility program to pack a .jar. The think is: the jar contains a text file inside called Manifest. You can't edit that manifest file externally (otherwise malware would be a trivial exercise). The manifest will have the path to the main() of the class that starts your application.
You could write an ANT script.
You could use the java -jar command (with switch options) -m filename
or NetBeans
NetBeans is the easiest. You MUST do the following.
1. Select your Project in the Project Tree -- highlight it, right-click, "make main project"
2. In the menu Run --> Build and Clean...
(or hit Shift + F11 )
inside your project folder will be a new one created /dist
inside dist will be your .jar
.jar will execute as dbl-click on a Win desktop
or run from terminal as java -jar MyGiftToComputersEverywhere