Well, lots of companies i've worked for have asked me this question. There are no easy ways to convert VB6 into C++, and here's why:
VB6's syntax is somewhat different from C++, but it also comes with a large set of built-in functions that C++ does not have. C++ also has the ability to natively access OS functions that VB6 needs a bit of extra text to reach.
Both can create strong applications, and both use event-driven programming. however, there are VB6 programs that can be written without much knowledge of robust programming techniques, leading to come awful designs.
You probably don't want to simply automate the conversion of a VB6 program into C++ - you want to "re-engineer" it. This is complicated for a novice programmer. You should ask "why C++?" first of all.
perhaps choose VB.NET as a target. There are automated tools to convert VB6 into VB.NET. From there you can tinker with the code to remove some of the conversion residue (there will be some extra attached libraries for backward compatibility).