2010-10-22 07:25:43 UTC
Implement a class Year with the predicate method boolean isLeapyear().
public class Leapyear
private int Year;
private boolean isLeapyear;
Constructs no Leapyear
public Leapyear()
Set the year.
@param the newYear of the Leapyear.
public void setYear(int newYear)
Year = newYear;
return the Leapyear
@return Year
public int getYear()
return Year;
Method for proving if it is a leap year or not
@return isLeapyear if it is leap year or not.
public boolean isLeapyear(int Year)
if (Year % 4!=0)
{isLeapyear = false;
if((Year % 400 != 0 ) && (Year % 100 == 0))
isLeapyear = false;
{ isLeapyear = true;
return isLeapyear;
this is class that i created and i still dont know how to create the tester..
Im a heading to this. But still lost . Can you give me a feedback on what should be done inorder to run the program.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Year
public static void main( String[] args);
int Year;
boolean isLeapyear;
System.out.print("Enter the year: ");
Year theLeapyear = new Year();
System.out.println("it is a leapyear");
System.out.println("its is not a leapyear");